The Bitter Vibe is the perfect worm for swimming or buzzing here in Florida, the swimming worm has become a big player lately.
It is one of the most versatile worms that we make. This makes a great worm on a Texas Rig, You can swim it just under the surface of the water or buzz it on top weightless. We put a beefy tail on this worm to give you a little more thump on the retrieve. The specially designed hook pocket allows your hook to pop free easier and stick Mr. Lunker. The Bitter Vibe works great on a Carolina Rig when you want a little more action from your bait on the business end of your rig.
• More salt plus hog lard
• Special plastic and salt formulation to enhance action
• Unbeatable color selection
• More durable plastic stays on the hook better than the competition= More Bites Per Buck!!
Unbeatable value: Packaged in 90 count bags + 9 additional baits for FREE!
Bulk Packaged