Colt Python


Colt Python 38 Special or 357 Mag Caliber with 3″ Vent Rib Barrel, 6rd Capacity Cylinder, Overall Semi-Bright Finish Stainless Steel & Walnut Target Grip

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The Python features modern stainless steel alloys and a re-designed rear sight. Thirty percent more steel beneath the rear adjustable target sight gives you a stronger revolver and more robust shooting experience. A recessed target crown, user-interchangeable front sight, and Walnut grip with the iconic Colt medallion make this a gun you’ll want to shoot AND show off. The Python is chambered in .357 Magnum and also accommodates 38 Special cartridges.

Brand: Colt Mfg
Category: Revolvers
Model: Python
Caliber: 38 Special
Barrel Length Range: 3″ to 3.99″
Capacity: 6rd
Action: DAO
Frame Finish: Semi-Bright Stainless
Frame Material: Stainless Steel
Barrel Finish: Semi-Bright Stainless
Grips: Walnut Target
Cylinder Material: Stainless Steel
Cylinder Finish: Semi-Bright Stainless
Barrel Description: Vent Rib
Barrel Length: 3″
Max Capacity: 6
Weight: 42 oz
Frame Description: Semi-Bright Stainless Steel
Hammer Style: Exposed