Mixed Hay

Keep in mind, quantities are limited and availability changes quickly. As a result, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of production information. We recommend calling us at G5 to confirm the availability of your item.



  • Mixed hays are most frequently sourced from northern hay growing states
  • Broken into eastern and western groups
  • 2 Tie (40-70lbs) is the most preferred size/form. There are significant variances in weight based due to the wide range of growing regions
  • Mixed hays are also occasionally available in compressed bales



Timothy-Alfalfa (T-A)

  • Most preferred hay due to number of growing regions and frequent availability
  • Mix of grass and legume forage offers maximum nutritional benefit

Orchard- Alfalfa (O-A)

  • May be available in a 2 tie or 3 tie bale
  • Nutritionally similar to Timothy-Alfalfa
  • Second and third cuttings are frequently selected based on the soft grassy texture