   Spring Chick Days 2025 is here.

We will have sets of chicks arriving from February 14th through May 16th. Whether you are adding to your flock or starting new with chickens, G5 is here to help. We have a full line of poultry supplies, feed, and even some great coops for you to select from.

What Breeds are Coming?

Chicks arrive each week. Usually, they are here by Friday. However, feel free to call us to confirm the breed you want is here. For a photo of each breed, watch our Facebook page for posts about weekly arrivals.

What’s Coming in February?

February 14th arrivals: New Hampshire Red pullets, Buff Orpington pullets, Easter Eggers pullets, Blue Laced Red Wyand pullets.

February 21st arrivals: Delaware pullets, Cream Legbar pullets, Buff Cochin pullets, Golg Wyandotte pullets.

February 28th arrivals: Suprise group of straight runs, Rhode Island Red pullets, Olive Egger pullets, Naked Neck pullets, Cuckoo Marans pullets.

Arriving in March

During March, you can take advantage of the “Cheep Chicks Special.” On Fridays and Saturdays, you can purchase five straight-run mixed-breed chicks for $12.97.

March 7th arrivals: Suprise group of straight runs, Barred Rock pullets, Blue Olive Egger pullets, Light Brahma pullets, White Cochin pullets.

March 14th arrivals: Suprise group of straight runs, Easter Egger pullets, Blue Australorp pullets, Speckled Sussex pullets, Silver Laced Polish straight runs.

March 21st arrivals: Suprise group of straight runs, Barred Rock pullets, Artic Blue Egger pullets, Cream Legbar pullets, Buff Brahma pullets.

March 28th arrivals: Suprise group of straight runs, Rhode Island Red pullets, Olive Egger pullets, Blue Australorp pullets, Gold Wyandotte pullets.

April Arrivals

April 4th arrivals: Lavender Orpington pullets, Buff LCD Polish straight runs, Golden Laced Polish straight runs, White Pekin Duck straight runs, HC Rare Turkey straight runs.

April 18th arrivals: Brarred Rock pullets, Buff Brahma pullets, Black Cochin pullets, Cuckoo Maran pullets

Arpirl 30th arrivals: Bronze Turkey straight runs.

May Arrivals

May 2nd arrivals: Olive Egger pullets, HC Feather Leg Bantams Straight Run, Cayuga Ducks straight run, HC Rare Turkeys straight run.

May 7th arrivals: Bronze Turkey straight run, White Turkey straight run.

May 9th arrivals: Rhode Island Red pullets, Easter Egger pullets, Naked Neck pullets.

May 16th arrivals: Khaki Campbells Duck straight runs, HC Rare Turkey straight runs.

Follow our Facebook page for weekly updates with images of the chicken breeds arriving.

5 Feed and Outdoor is committed to delivering our customers top service while ensuring our customers can count on us to have the supplies they need. Stop in for our Spring Chick Days 2025, we look forward to seeing you.

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